Ed Flanders credited as playing...
Hosea Knowlton
- Hosea Knowlton: That woman actually believes she can get off scot-free by hiding behind her skirts.
- Sylvia Knowlton: What else has she?
- [he looks at her]
- Sylvia Knowlton: I'm sorry, Hosea. It just seems that you men have only yourselves to blame if women hide behind their femininity as a last defense. After all, you cast us in this role.
- Hosea Knowlton: You look upon your womanhood as a role my dear?
- Sylvia Knowlton: It's not always a convenient part to play.
- Hosea Knowlton: I've never heard you talk like this. Next you'll be asking for the vote. I gather you sympathize with this murderess.
- Sylvia Knowlton: She has not as yet been found guilty, Hosea.
- Hosea Knowlton: But you do sympathize with her?
- Sylvia Knowlton: Certainly not with her deeds, but perhaps with her motives.
- Hosea Knowlton: [laughs] Her motives? Now what would you know about her motives?
- Sylvia Knowlton: I should think a great deal, Hosea. You have no idea how unbearably heavy these skirts can be at times.