- The Village Voice [Nick Pinkerton]
- Back to the Movies (Nick Clement)
- Cinema Cinema Cinema Podcast
- Drunk TV [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Drive-In [Kyle McElravy]
- DVD Savant [Glenn Erickson]
- DVDBeaver [Gary Tooze]
- Every 70s Movie [Peter Hanson]
- Good Efficient Butchery [Mark Tinta]
- High and Low [Ted Cogswell]
- Home Media Magazine [Mike Clark]
- Inside Pulse [Joe Corey]
- Mystery*File [Steve Lewis]
- New York Times [Nora Sayre]
- Oklahoma Gazette [Rod Lott]
- Ozus' World Movie Reviews [Dennis Schwartz]
- Radiator Heaven [J.D.]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [Todd Jordan]
- Rotten Tomatoes - Reviews from the Nation's Top Critics
- Slant Magazine DVD [Fernando F. Croce]
- The Film Palace [Edward L. Terkelsen]
- The Films of Robert Mulligan [Michael E. Grost]
- The Unknown Movies [Keith Bailey]
- Time Magazine
- Turner Classic Movies [Michael Atkinson]
- TV Guide
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