Vasiliy Shukshin credited as playing...
Pyotr Lopakhin
- starshina Poprischenko: Look at her, Lopakhin, she's like a walking statue!
- Pyotr Lopakhin: A woman is always a woman, and she's even lovely.
- starshina Poprischenko: Her looks gives me the shivers. She is the spitting image of that woman's statue I saw in Moscow at the agricultural exhibition.
- Pyotr Lopakhin: So what?
- starshina Poprischenko: You're too small for her.
- Pyotr Lopakhin: You're a grown-up person, and you don't know what every woman knows?
- starshina Poprischenko: What do you mean?
- Pyotr Lopakhin: A small flea is the most passionate!