I am not sure whether I ever watched this film or not but based on the comments by other users of this Site, It seems I watched 20 Years ago here in Somalia. based on my vague memories of the Film, the Films ends with Lee Van Cleef shooting a woman dead as she climbs the ladder of a departing plane ( perhaps contributors of the comments on this Site which I have just read will confirm whether there is a scene like this ).
There is another scene where Lee Van Cleef drives a car very fast towards a man and a woman having sex on the beach with the intention of killing both of them and in another scene a man shoots a woman in her private organ ( Corch ) after having sex with her. will other Readers confirm that this Aka the Pefect Killer or is it another film that I am explaining.
Overall the film is watchable as it is full lots of crime and funny scenes. I would recommend it to any one with an appetite for such movies Mustafa