Thu, Nov 26, 1981
After the outbreak of the revolution, the child Marie, daughter of Louis XVI, has to flee France. For this task, Count Vavel was chosen by his father, who himself was fighting on Napoleon's side. Their final destination is a castle in Central Europe, where they set out in great danger. Meanwhile, Count Vavel's aide, the Marquis de Cambray, loyal to the king till death is captured, but remains silent, so he is imprisoned.
Thu, Dec 3, 1981
The beautiful spy tasked with tracking down the fugitives has been wandering around Europe for four years, posing as a Baroness. Her only contact with her daughter left behind in France is the Marquis de Fervlans, who expects quick results. In a bath-town she accidentally hears about a mysterious count hiding with a young girl in a castle in Hungary. She buys the neighboring estate just to keep an eye on them, but seemingly they are not the people who she is looking for, and she wants to move away again, but an accidentally found evidence makes her stay.
Thu, Dec 10, 1981
The Marquis de Fervlans devises a plan to speed things up: he hires some rogues to break into Katalin's estate at night, because he knows that Count Vavel keeps an eye on the neighborhood with his binoculars. The plan works, the count comes to Katalin's aid, but is seriously wounded during the fight. To the unconscious count his butler summons a doctor, making a huge mistake: their identity, which they successfully concealed for years, is thus threatened.
Thu, Dec 17, 1981
The Marquis de Fervlans, posing as an Austrian officer rides with his soldiers into Katalin's manor. He plans to meet Count Vavel by chance, but this always fails. He orders his soldiers to capture the count, but instead a strange creature living in the lake being trapped. The cruel treatment of the creature prompts Katalin to save the count from a duel with the marquis. The count's faithful butler suffers a stroke and dies.
Tue, Dec 22, 1981
Napoleon's armies are already in Austria, Hungarian nobles are being summoned to fight against them. Count Vavel hesitates at first, but sees in it the way to the freedom of all of them. All he has to do is get married so that he can leave Marie's custody to his wife while he fights. Katalin agrees, but as soon as the count goes to recruit an army, she persuades the young lady to leave the Nameless Castle behind.
Wed, Dec 23, 1981
The Marquis de Fervlans captures Marie at Katalin's estate and takes her into custody. Unexpectedly, the Marquis de Cambray appears, who managed to escape from the prison in France, and now he is here to save his empress, but he is very weak, carries a deadly disease. Meanwhile, Napoleon's armies reach Hungary, the battle is raging, the situation is tense. Marie successfully escapes from captivity, but during the time she spent with the Marquis, she also becomes infected.