The Pirate Movie (1982)
Christopher Atkins: Frederic
Mabel : Frederic, these are the 1880s. You can't live your life by the outmoded conventions of a neo-imperialist society. Find your true center!
Frederic : What? You mean Zen piracy?
Mabel : [unlaces her shirt and pulls it down to show her corset] Frederic, have you ever worn a whalebone corset? Well no, we established that, didn't we? It chokes and strangles, Frederic! I won't be choked and strangled by someone else's dumb ideas of custom and duty!
[to stone statue]
Mabel : Would you Harry, would you?
[to Frederic]
Mabel : Never to know the rich and real, wondrous person beating and throbbing inside me. Frederic, can you see me throbbing?
Frederic : I see! I see! I'm throbbing too!
Frederic : Lately I've been restless. I've been consumed by some... inner fire, and all I think about are girls.
Ruth : [Grabbing onto Frederic] I've waited 20 years for this!
The Pirate King : [Pulling Ruth off of Frederic] The sea, Frederic, is a jealous mistress. But she is her own reward. Believe me, you've missed nothing.
The Pirate King : [to other pirates] Tell him men, have you missed anything these 20 years at sea?
Other pirates : [Yelling in unison] SEX!
[the Pirate King has just cornered Frederick in their swordfight, the Pirate King has his sword pointed between Frederick's legs]
The Pirate King : Drop it, or...
Frederic : *Nuts*!
The Pirate King : Them, too!
Frederic : [sitting rubbing his back as a horse runs off] Ohhh! Oww! Ouch! Well I've been at sea since I was one, how the hell would I know how to ride a horse?
Mabel : You poor thing. Pirates! You mean like walking the plank? Buried treasure? Hack, slash, off with his head, and the Jolly Richard, and everything?
Frederic : Roger.
Mabel : Oh, Roger I love it.
Frederic : No, Frederic without a "k."
Mabel : Mabel, also without a "k." God, we have so much in common.
Mabel : Frederic, you're not gay, are you?
Frederic : [high voice] No!
[clears throat and in a lower voice]
Frederic : No.
Mabel : The way you and the Pirate King get around in those rather feminine, pleated shirts and all that leather.
Frederic : Mabel!
Mabel : Hey! I'm not prejudiced. I mean, what does this country got a navy for? Screw 'em if they can't take a joke!
Frederic : You're weird.
Mabel : All kidding aside, tell me this. Are you a virgin?
Frederic : I don't know.
Mabel : Near enough.
The Pirate King : Your Birthday?
Frederic : February 29, 1859.
The Pirate King : A leap year!
Frederic : yes...
The Pirate King : ...and you were indentured to us...?
Frederic : until my 21st year...
The Pirate King : [interrupting] ... until your 21st birthday! Leap years only happen every 4 years. Going by birthdays, you're still only 5 and a 1/4.
Frederic : [surprised] wha...?
The Pirate King : I'm merely making you aware of it... I'll leave the rest to your... sense of duty?
Ruth : Yes, Duty!
Frederic : Duty and honor are all I have... that's the one good thing you taught me!
[Mabel comes in and finds Frederic laying in a coffin]
Mabel : Frederic, what are you doing?
Frederic : Oh, hiding.
Mabel : My Frederic, hiding? It cannot be the lion-heart troubles at the coming conflict. My love - a wimp!
Frederic : No, Mabel. A terrible disclosure's just been made.
Mabel : Then zip it up!
Frederic : [scaring off Mabel's sisters and making them drop their flowers] I'm sorry! I didn't mean to deflower you!