Mark Herrier credited as playing...
- Billy: Cherry, this is Pee Wee.
- Cherry Forever: I'll say. What do you use for a jockstrap, kid? A peanut shell and a rubber band?
- [laughter from the other guys]
- Cherry Forever: [to Billy] You know we'd better tie a board across his ass, or he's liable to fall in.
- [more laughter in background]
- Cherry Forever: [to Pee Wee] Save your energy, needle dick. You're gonna need it.
- Pee Wee Morris: [giggling] OK.
- Tommy Turner: Jesus Christ! It's the mother lode.
- Billy: I never seen so much wool. You could knit a sweater.
- Tommy Turner: This has gotta be the biggest beaver shoot in the history of Florida.
- Pee Wee Morris: All I need is a watermelon and two jelly donuts!
- Billy: That's it. I am not taking a shower with you.
- [Billy and the other guys get up and leave]
- Pee Wee Morris: Religious fanatics.
- Billy: [trying to warn Pee Wee about Cherry Forever] She's married to some big black stud and he's gonna cut your pecker off.
- Tommy Turner: Yeah, I hear he's packing tweezers.
- [the gang are at the Deadbeats drive-in restaurant getting their food and drinks]
- Billy: The worst thing is you guys are out a hundred bucks.
- Tommy Turner: This is just the kind of thing you write off.
- Pee Wee Morris: [hands Tommy the receipt] Here you go.
- Tommy Turner: Again?
- Pee Wee Morris: I got it last time.
- Tommy Turner: [pays the waitress] Great. Mick, I'm telling ya, they're bad mothers.
- Mickey: I'm going back to get that pig.
- Meat: Yeah right, Mick.
- Mickey: [throws his hamburger in a fit] Yeah, Meat!
- Billy: All right. Now remember, any sign of guns and we're gone, okay?
- [Porky, with a couple of bouncers, storms out the strip joint holding a bat]
- Pee Wee Morris: Yo, Billy.
- Porky: Where are these five little virgins who think they reached manhood? You wanna tangle ass with me? Come up here, you sawed-off punk! I'll educate ya! I'll wrap this right around your damn neck! Come on, move it!
- Billy: [taunts Porky] Boy, boy, Porky. You know, we're really scared. I guess we better go now.
- Porky: You better be. Go on, get your ass on home!
- Billy: I hope shit floats!
- Porky: You'll float if I ever catch you around here again, you little shit!
- [Porky, his bouncers, the bartender, and one of his strippers are chatting amongst themselves; Billy enters the bar]
- Billy: [yells] Soo-ee! Soo! Soo-soo-soo-ee!
- Bartender: What the hell is that?
- Billy: I wanna see Porky.
- Bartender: Who wants to see Porky?
- Billy: Tell him the boys from Angel Beach are here. Tell him to bring the best he's got and meet us in the parking lot. Now!
- [Porky and the gang laughs as Billy leaves the bar]
- Bartender: Do you believe that? Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
- [sing-songy]
- Bartender: Oh, Porky! The boys from Angel Beach are here!
- Tommy Turner: [in a high-pitched falsetto voice] Hi! I'm Paulie the Penis, and I just love to have fun! Ha Ha Ha.
- Billy: [growling Balbricker sees Tommy's sexual organ] Hold still, man! She's comin' for it!
- Billy: [growling Balbricker begins coming forward] She's almost got it...
- Billy: [Miss Balbricker gets closer] She's almost got it...
- Billy: [Miss Balbricker grabs the end off Tommy's organ and pulls hard, slamming Tommy against the other side of the wall] SHE'S GOT IT!
- Billy: [Billy and Pee-Wee make their escape] This broad is *really* hot!
- Pee Wee Morris: Hang in there, buddy!
- Pee Wee Morris: [to Billy as they emerge into the outside] Hey, do you think this means Tommy and Miss Balbricker are engaged?
- Tommy Turner: [to the rest of the guys at Cherry Forever's house] Okay, Cherry's ready. Everyone get their clothes off.
- Tim: Wait. What's this bullshit?
- Billy: She's got to make sure everybody clean. No VD.
- Steve: How's she going to tell that by looking at us?
- Tommy Turner: She's done this so many times, she's practically a doctor.
- Tim: Yeah, and who's going to inspect her?
- [murmurs of agreement from the rest of the guys]
- Billy: Look, you guys want to get laid or have a debate?
- Pee Wee Morris: Okay, I'm ready!
- [they turn to see Pee-Wee wasted no time stripping down, then laughter of all kinds go through the crowd, which Pee-Wee ignores]
- Pee Wee Morris: I'm gonna get laid. Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus.