The earlier comments give an unfair slating to what is an enjoyable film.The gaffes are obvious , (in such films as this the 1st class director Liu Chia Liang, was redefining the kung fu film , after the earlier swordplay flicks, and bruce lee's seminal movies, this film is set in late Ching dynasty China.) This is a film of rare quality , combining humour , a reasonable plot and some displays of great martial artistry, such as are no longer found in but a handful of films. The choreography is excellent, (only Sammo Hung at his best approaches Liu 's ability to film a fight with loving care for displaying technique)This film also benefits from the presence of the charismatic Fu Sheng and the Multi talented Hui Ying Hung. The special effects are cheap , but cheerful.(the previous reviewer seems to have missed that the purpose of all the bladed cloaks etc. was to show that tricks are no substitute for skill, skill no defence against bullets ... A classic of Kung Fu cinema