Movies about the Kennedy family (miniseries as well) lets face it they are a dime a dozen. People have a never-ending fascination with them and filmakers have always done their best to exploit this said fascination. I remember watching this miniseries in 1983 (it was released on the 20th anniversary of Kennedy's death). I saw it again recently when I was home on leave from Germany. It is the best Kennedy show ever. Martin Sheen is an amazing actor and Blair Brown is equally good as Jackie. The thing I liked best is that Sheen did an amazing job copying Kennedy's accent. Some of the actors who play him don't even bother putting on a Boston accent but Sheen's is flawless. If you had just closed your eyes you would have really thought that was Kennedy talking! He is that good. I particularly liked it when he re-created Kennedy's inagural address (he said many other eloquent things besides ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country). What was chilling was Vincent Gardenia's portrayal of J. Edgar Hoover. He portrays him as evil as an almost Shakespeare llke villan. They always show him in dark lighting and he speaks in a sinister voice. I remember because he was in a Walt Disney movie I liked called The Last Flight Of Noah's Ark. The other thing that I wanted to mention is the reenactment of the assassination. It is also chilling and makes you realize how horrible it really was. It was like darkness at noon.