one of the best and most "hitting you in the face" movies of all time.
on one hand,it is a sad story of a drug user(weaver) who gets so messed up he stoops to blaming his own kid for coke when his wife finds it.
on the other hand..its unintentionally hilarious. there's one scene when weavers walking on the beach on a boardwalk and he drops his keys..he flips out. another great part is when he blows a big presentation because hes so paranoid. a must see. is this thing in print??? it should be. anyone thinking they can do cocaine without having a bad time needs to see this. as said..both serious and funny at once.
when it was first shown as a typical "movie of the week' it was a bit silly..because we were seeing mcloud on dope! i think Dennis gives one of his all time best performances here.. he doesn't overact as he often was known to. hes very cool and realistic. this is what anyone could and does experience with that nasty drug. but what about Dennis? would that people could remember him for more than just duel and mcloud..and gunsmoke. because his rolls(including the infamous terror on the beach) for movies of the week were gems!