- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- New York Times [Janet Maslin]
- 411Mania.com [Will Helm]
- Armchair Cinema [Jerry Dean Roberts]
- Bad Movie Night
- BandSAboutMovies.com [Sam Panico]
- Bohica (Doug Fisher)
- Film Frenzy [Matt Brunson]
- Film för alla [Torbjörn Ingvarsson]
- Swedish
- film-authority.com (Eddie Harrison)
- Filmdagbok [Asbjørn Ness]
- Norwegian
- Filmfenix [Hans Råman]
- Swedish
- Gods of Filmmaking
- I pity the fool who becomes a cabbie [Jerry Saravia]
- LewtonBus [Bee McGee]
- Mondo Bizarro [Alec Pridgen]
- Ozus' World Movie Reviews [Dennis Schwartz]
- Qwipster [Vince Leo]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [Ian Jane]
- Scopophilia: Movies of the 60's, 70's, 80's [Richard Winters]
- The Action Elite - Blu-ray [David J. Moore]
- The Invisible Hand Of Alan Smithee
- The Video Vacuum [Mitch Lovell]
- The Wire [Larry Clow]
- TheGreatWhiteDope's Mecha-Blog-Zilla
- Tofu Nerdpunk [Andy Giese]
- German
- Valient's Vloggg [Valient Himself]
- Washington City Paper [Ian Buckwalter]
- World Film Geek
- Your Stupid Minds [Nick Nobel]
- ZekeFilm [Jim Tudor]
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