8 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 88The Associated PressBob ThomasThe Associated PressBob ThomasIn his first major film without partner John Belushi, Aykroyd proves a film comedian of first rank. [9 May 1983]
- 75Chicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertChicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertThere is very little comic invention in the idea for Doctor Detroit (the screenplay is Identikit sitcom), but there's a lot of invention in Aykroyd's performance.
- 60The A.V. ClubNathan RabinThe A.V. ClubNathan RabinLike Boat Trip, another guilty pleasure of mine, Doctor Detroit is so transcendently stupid, gimmicky, and shameless that it almost becomes a smart meta-parody of stupid, gimmicky, shameless high-concept '80s comedies.
- 60The New York TimesVincent CanbyThe New York TimesVincent CanbyEntertainingly slapdash.
- 38The Globe and Mail (Toronto)The Globe and Mail (Toronto)Dan Aykroyd has been consistently disappointing since he left the Saturday Night Live television show to work in feature films. His latest film, Doctor Detroit is more evidence that Aykroyd's comedic talent, which was brilliantly spontaneous when feeding off a live studio audience, isn't suited to the big screen. [9 May 1983]
- 30Washington PostTom ShalesWashington PostTom ShalesNo one could accuse Dan Aykroyd of waiting around for the perfect script to come along. Doctor Detroit, now at area theaters, is as feeble a vehicle as any but the meanest mean spirit would ever wish on him. [9 May 1983, p.B12]
- 25Miami HeraldBill CosfordMiami HeraldBill CosfordDoctor Detroit is Dan Aykroyd's first big solo vehicle, and it has some traditional Motown problems: It sputters and wheezes and lurches, never does run smoothly, never does satisfy. In the spirit of products from another troubled industry, this is a raucous comedy that just doesn't have very many jokes. [10 May 1983, p.B5]
- 20TV Guide MagazineTV Guide MagazineThere isn't one laugh in this so-called comedy...The resulting situations are so moronic that the movie is unwatchable.