Zedd's take on Dracula, Frankenstein, etc... all filmed using painted sets, bad acting and tiresome dialog. Some of the makeup effects are kinda cool like the melting face with the eyeball falling out of it's socket. Um, ok...
We also get Richard Hell as the cowboy. Jeez, he CAN'T act !
I'm glad he didn't make acting a career.
There's the added bonus of a 1983 interview with the cast and crew, videotaped while they're all sitting around drunk, rambling incoherently. And the NY Times calls this sh#t, art ?
Other Zedd shorts included on this travesty of a DVD include:
ELF PANTIES - Jen with fake Elf ears, wets her panties. We also get to see her crappy apartment as well as Jen's ugly body while she eats a popsicle.
Wow...big deal...
LORD OF THE COCK RINGS - Magical cock ring that some idiot can't get off ? We wind up seeing him and Jen's ugly, skanky friends all piled up in someone's apartment. Some of them topless, some of them not and they're all wearing fake Elf's ears, again.
Jesus, what's with the elf ears?
THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA - Zedd wanders aimlessly around in Manhattan in the snow, looking like some kind of junkie loser, finally touching base with some of his fellow junkie losers on some snow covered corner at night.
More big deal...
1 out of 10 for being a waste of time...