Jadeen Barbor credited as playing...
Betty Kupfer
- Buddy Kupfer: [the Kupfers have been locked in a room called TEST ROOM A] Relax a minute, will you? Mr. Cochran will be here and everything will be fine. He just wants my opinion about some television commercials or something. You know, I still don't understand why they won't take my orders for next year. You know how I like to work ahead and well they're just not interested at all.
- Betty Kupfer: Maybe they're not going to have Halloween next year.
- [laughs]
- Buddy Kupfer: [sarcastically] Ha ha ha!
- Betty Kupfer: [about Mr. Cochran] Do you know he's one of the richest men in the country? And he got that way selling cheap gags and Halloween masks. Oh God, there's hope for us yet.