- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- New York Times [Vincent Canby]
- 2,500 Movies Challenge [Dave Becker]
- A Keeper of The Crimson Quill - Rivers of Grue [Richard Charles Stevens]
- All Ones That Got Away [Garry Gallon]
- AllOfCinema.com [Evgeniy Nefyodov]
- Russian
- American Cinematographer [Kenneth Sweeney]
- Austin Chronicle [Raoul Hernandez]
- AVForums - Blu-ray [Cas Harlow]
- B and S About Movies [Sam Panico]
- BasementRejects.com [JPRoscoe]
- Behind the Couch [James Gracey]
- Blu-ray.com [Michael Reuben]
- CGiii.com [Anderson Cutler]
- Charge Shot!!! [Alex Boivin]
- Christoph Hartung - Die besten Filmkritiken im Netz [Christoph Hartung]
- German
- Chuck Norris Ate My Baby [Matt House]
- Cinecaps Digest
- CineFile.biz [Alberto Cassani]
- Italian
- Cinemagazine [Lodi Meijer]
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- cinematelevisionmusic [Billy Stevenson]
- Cinepassion.org [Fernando F. Croce]
- Cinetarium [Jack Gattanella]
- Cinéma de Rien [Nicolas Botti]
- French
- Common Sense Media [Renee Schonfeld]
- CorreCamara.com.mx [Pedro Paunero]
- Spanish
- derekwinnert.com [Derek Winnert]
- Dial M for Movie [H. Necmi Ozturk]
- Turkish
- DVD Drive-In - Blu-ray [Eric Cotenas]
- DVD Movie Guide - Blu-ray [Colin Jacobson]
- DVD Movie Guide [Colin Jacobson]
- DVD Talk - Blu-ray [Thomas Spurlin]
- DVD Talk [Adam Tyner]
- DVDBeaver Blu-ray [Gary Tooze]
- Dvdclassik [Justin Kwedi]
- French
- Eat Horror
- El Espectador Imaginario [Arantxa Acosta]
- Spanish
- El Gabinete del Doctor Lynch [Luis Rodríguez]
- Spanish
- Exclaim! [Cam Lindsay]
- Expelled Grey Matter [Eric Wincentsen]
- FatherSonHolyGore [C.H. Newell]
- FAThipster [Mr.Strange]
- Serbian
- Film Authority [Eddie Harrison]
- FilmFanatic.org
- Filmkuratorium.de - Kurzkritik [Robert Lorenz]
- German
- Filmotomy [Cole Clark]
- Flickering Myth [Graeme Robertson]
- follow-me-now [Ulrich Behrens]
- German
- Freddy's Cine It [Freddy and Krasnaya]
- Full Moon Reviews [Freddie Young]
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