Kenny Rogers credited as playing...
Brady Hawkes
- Brady Hawkes: You know, with Kate, I get the distinct feeling that being just a woman is to her advantage.
- Reece: Hawkes, you ain't never gonna catch McCourt. 'Cos you ain't as mean as he is.
- Brady Hawkes: I'll get him all right. 'Cause there's a time to be mean and a time to be smart.
- Brady Hawkes: The first thing a smart gambler learns is: you never gamble with borrowed money. And the second thing is: if it's another gambler, you never loan it.
- Billy Montana: [sighs] Is this gonna be one of those 'brains in the head saves blisters on the feet' speeches again?
- Brady Hawkes: No. This is gonna be one of those 'the bigger the mouth, the smarter you look when you keep it closed' speeches.