- Frannie Greene: Josh.
- [Josh shrugs, speechless]
- Frannie Greene: Look. Josh, I'm sorry. Umm, I let myself in. It wasn't supposed to be this kind of surprise. I'm sorry. I'm not... not mad, not mad. I'm... I'm sad, because I really think we had a chance to have something. If you just stepped out of your own way and listened to your heart a little bit. It's hard enough when two people are trying, but when one starts to throw it out the window, it doesn't stand a chance.
- [Frannie turns away and holds up her hand to ward off any excuses, shakes her head and moves away to collect her purse]
- Frannie Greene: Uh-uh. Just... We had a month. It wasn't a night and it wasn't a weekend. It was a start and I think that's one of the really nice things about being an adult. You can see when you have a chance to make something really good happen. And it was good and you know it. And... DAMN IT! You're gonna chuck it all, because you're too damned stubborn to let anyone help you, even though I let you help me. Let me know if you have a change of heart and I did. And how dare you. How dare you think that it was any easier for me than it is for you.
- [Frannie takes a deep breath and moves toward the stairs, stops and turns around]
- Frannie Greene: Scary to jump in, but if you had, I would have caught you.
- [Frannie turns and leaves]
- Frannie Greene: [Josh looks on as he hears the front door open and close]