Donald is working outdoors all day, in hot and humid conditions on a building site, then heading to a bar. When he gets home his shirts are dirty and sweaty, but still have pin-sharp creases in them as if they are fresh from the laundry.
When Donald is cutting into the whore, the blood splatter is coming from two different directions.
When Donald attempts to throw out May's plate of food she takes the plate and smashes it on Donald's head. In the next closeup view of Donald killing May the plate falls off his head but with no food.
In the opening credits, an actress' name is listed as Marla Simon. In the closing credits, the same actress is credited twice, once as Marla Simon, and again as Marla Simon's.
(at around 17 mins) Two crew members are visible.
Crew member's hand can be seen at the bottom of the screen while closing the door at 55:53.
In the opening scene, the Knothole girl is walking up and down the same side walk multiple times. She keeps passing the same cars.
(at around 7 minutes) The boom mic is visible.
(at around 18 mins) The boom mic is visible.
Dr. Von Der Food does is not touching Donald with the stethoscope when checking his heartbeat.