Darren Dalton credited as playing...
Randy Anderson
- Randy: You can't win. You know that, don't you? It doesn't matter if you whip us, you'll still be where you were before, at the bottom. And we'll still be the lucky ones at the top with all the breaks. It doesn't matter. Greasers will still be Greasers and Socs will still be Socs. It doesn't matter.
- Bob Shelton: [the Soc's pull up in there car to find their girls with the greasers] Hey! Cherry! What're you doin'?
- [Cherry glares at him]
- Bob Shelton: Just because we got a title drunk...!
- Cherry: A little? You call reeling and passing out in the streets a little? Bob, I told you, I'm never going out with you when you're drinking again and I mean it!
- Randy: Look, that doesn't mean you can go walkin' the streets with these bums.
- Two Bit: Who you callin' bums, pal?
- Randy: You! Look, Greaser, we got four more of us in the backseat.
- Two Bit: [Two-Bit hands a broken pop bottle to Ponyboy and flips out his switchblade] Then, pity the backseat.
- Randy: If... if you're lookin' for a fight...
- Two Bit: I am lookin' for a fight!
- Randy: C'mon, put the knife down! C'mon!
- Two Bit: C'mon! Right now, right now!
- Cherry: Stop! Stop it! I hate fights, alright? I hate them!
- [to Bob]
- Cherry: We'll go home with you, just give me a minute.