Robert Vaughn credited as playing...
Ross Webster
- Ross Webster: I ask you to kill Superman, and you're telling me you couldn't even do that one, simple thing.
- Ross Webster: You know a wise man once said, I think it was Attila the Hun, "It is not enough that I succeed, everyone else must fail."
- Gus Gorman: You're hurting him. That's Kryptonite!
- Vera Webster: Yes. This time we got it right.
- Ross Webster: You're a genius. You've invented a machine that can find anybody's weak spot. Congratulations, old buddy. You'll go down in history as the man who killed Superman!
- Ross Webster: Computers rule the world today. And the fellow that can fool the computers, can rule the world himself.
- Ross Webster: What will it do?
- Gus Gorman: Anything I tell it.
- Ross Webster: What will it do for me?
- Gus Gorman: For you, it will do anything you tell me to tell it to do for you.
- Ross Webster: My friend, you are yesterday. Whomever pulled off this caper, is tomorrow.
- Ross Webster: I'll say he was.
- Gus Gorman: I've been thinking I'm not making enough money for this gig.
- Ross Webster: Gus, if there's anything I hate, it's greed.
- Gus Gorman: Greed? Mrs. Ross, just a minute. Let me tell you something.
- [goes down ski slope]
- Gus Gorman: I can't ski!
- Ross Webster: I've got to get rid of him.
- Vera Webster: How? Shoot him? You know about him and bullets.