Jeroen Krabbé credited as playing...
Gerard Reve
- Gerard Reve, Herman: [are confronted with a sudden shower]
- Herman: Damn weather!
- Gerard Reve: [yelling and pointing to trees] There!
- Gerard Reve, Herman: [ran to the trees]
- Herman: We all get soaked!
- Gerard Reve: That one's open!
- Gerard Reve, Herman: In that tomb?
- Gerard Reve: Dead men don't bite, only live ones do.
- Gerard Reve, Herman: [going inside]
- Herman: [got licked by Gerard and turns towards him] Do you want to get hit?
- Gerard Reve: It wouldn't be the first time. But you won't.
- Herman: Won't I?
- Gerard Reve: No...
- [pulls up Herman's shirt, touches his breast]
- Herman: Do you think I'll like it?
- Gerard Reve: I'm gonna try...
- Herman: Keep going, Gerard.
- Gerard Reve: [kisses Herman] I saw you at the station... and your picture later on... such a beautiful boy.
- Gerard Reve: [after French kissing] I thought I've got to have him, even if it kills me.
- Herman: I like your spiel... nobody's ever told me that before.
- Gerard Reve: Spieling is my profession. I kept lobbying with Christine... and hoping that you would come.
- Herman: I like you going for me, Gerard.
- [going down on him]
- Gerard Reve: I, dirty old man.
- Gerard Reve: If I tell that story often enough, I'll start to believe it myself. And that, I think, is the essence of my work. I lie the truth. Until I no longer know whether something did or did not happen.
- Gerard Reve: Who will be the fourth? You or me! Get that? One of us!
- Herman: I don't get it. I'm too stupid to get it, Mr. Writer, sir. I may be an ordinary plumber, but you, you're a raving lunatic!
- Gerard Reve: That woman is deadly. Three husbands, three dead bodies! One of us will be the fourth, can't you see that?
- Herman: I love sex.
- Gerard Reve: Sure, but do you ever do anything about it?
- Herman: I lay them by the dozen if need be. Don't you?
- Gerard Reve: I've seen you before.
- Herman: Oh yeah?
- Gerard Reve: At Amsterdam Central.
- Herman: That's possible... or someone else. I have a very plain face.
- Gerard Reve: It was you. I don't forget a body like yours.
- Gerard Reve: She takes him like a spider... a spider also fucks her mate and then devours him... dead.