David Jason credited as playing...
- Toad: [flags down Reggie, the motorist] I say, I wonder if you could help me. Having a spot of bother with me car.
- Reggie: Oh? Wh-wh-what sort of bother?
- Toad: Um... em... it's the... uh... crankshaft... it's um... flat.
- Reggie: Really? Ah ha... I should be able to fix that.
- Reggie's Wife: Oh, shall I come too Reggie?
- [gets out of the car]
- Reggie: Uh. Wh-wh-wh-where's your machine?
- Toad: [gestures to a spot behind him] Oh... it's over there. If you'd just take a look at it?
- Reggie: Oh c-certainly old bean. Anything for a fellow motorist.
- [as soon as they move away from their car, Mr. Toad gets in, puts it in gear and drives away]
- Reggie: Oh, I say!
- [they see Mr. Toad driving down the road erratically, laughing, honking the horn]
- Reggie's Wife: Oh. Reggie.
- Reggie: [giving his statement to the Police Office about his stolen car] A fellow there flagged me down, cobbled a story about a "flat crankshaft." Well, so I help a fellow motorist, go out, galloped away! Th-the chap's a damn frog!
- Toad: [hears noises. All three turn to see Toad in Reggie's car, still honking the horn and making car noises] Poop-poop!
- Reggie: I say!
- Toad: [Toad roars past, knocking the police officer and his bicycle over, and Reggie into the arms of his wife] Wha-wha-hey hey-hey!
- [to the officer]
- Toad: Fat face!