Michael Murphy credited as playing...
Pete Curtis
- Pete Curtis: So, Hamilton, you really think Sukarno's going to let the commies have their own little private army?
- Guy Hamilton: That's what Aidit says.
- Pete Curtis: Aidit's lying.
- Guy Hamilton: Maybe.
- Pete Curtis: Then why report it?
- Guy Hamilton: Maybe he's *not* lying.
- Pete Curtis: Let me ask you something. I've worried about this since you got here. What do you do for sex?
- Guy Hamilton: You're worried about that?
- Pete Curtis: Whenever I hit the front page, I get a hard-on. So what do you do? I go up to the cemetery.
- Guy Hamilton: [chuckling] Are you a necrophiliac?
- Billy Kwan: It's where the prostitutes hang out.
- Pete Curtis: Fantastic girls, Hamilton. Best value-for-your-money ass in Asia. I'll take you up there right now, huh?
- Guy Hamilton: Some other time.
- Wally O'Sullivan: Wise man.
- Kevin Condon: They're riddled with VD.
- Pete Curtis: You never heard of penicillin? You will love this action. You want to spend the night? Costs you one dollar.
- Billy Kwan: Starvation's a great aphrodisiac.
- Pete Curtis: [after Hamilton has upstaged his fellow journalists by gaining an interview with the head of the Indonesian Communist Party, creating some resentment amongst them] That's bullshit!
- Wally O'Sullivan: The worrying thing is, it's well-written bullshit, and it's right here in my paper... I must confess, Hamilton, that I probably would have infused it with a little more skepticism, but bitter resentment won't prevent me from admitting it was a good piece. Well done.
- Guy Hamilton: [Joining the other journalists at the Sukarno compound who are awaiting any news] Missed anything?
- Wally O'Sullivan: Yeah, 63 minutes of excruciating boredom.
- Kevin Condon: I got a feeling he's gonna' make a pronouncement this morning.
- Pete Curtis: Oh, really, Kevin?
- Guy Hamilton: What makes you say that?
- Kevin Condon: Just a thought.
- Pete Curtis: Yeah? When a thought crosses your mind, it's been on the shortest trip in Jakarta.