Helen Mirren credited as playing...
Tanya Kirbuk
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: [Looks around the table to see the cosmonauts all nervous and edgy; sighs, takes off glasses] All right, what's going on here?
- Tanya Kirbuk: What do you mean?
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: Well, I may not be the swiftest guy in the world, even when I'm not hung over, but I do seem to remember a process where you people ask me questions and I give you answers and then I ask questions and you give me answers and that's the way we find out things. I think I read that in a manual somewhere.
- Tanya Kirbuk: Your government wanted us to awaken you when we reported our findings. We did that. You are here to help us reactivate the Discovery and its computer systems because that is United States territory. You are authorized to observe other aspects of our mission. We have no other obligation.
- Dr. Vladimir Rudenko: A lot has happened while you have been asleep.
- Dr. Vasili Orlov: It is not our choice.
- Tanya Kirbuk: The problem in Central America is growing worse.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: This looks as if you've detected the presence of chlorophyll.
- Tanya Kirbuk: [interrupts him] The United States is threatening a naval blockade.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: [interrupts her in turn] There's nothing but ice down there so how can there be any chlorophyll?
- Tanya Kirbuk: [interrupts him again] You know and I know that my country cannot allow a blockade.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: How fast it is moving?
- Tanya Kirbuk: [continues to talk over him] We are under instruction...
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: Listen, just because our governments are behaving like asses doesn't mean we have to. We're supposed to be scientists, not politicians, how fast?
- Tanya Kirbuk: Doctor Floyd, I am also an officer of the Soviet Air Force...
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: HOW FAST?
- Dr. Vasili Orlov: One meter per minute.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: [speaking to her] Don't worry, I'm just observing.
- [speaking to him]
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: Toward the sun?
- Dr. Vasili Orlov: Yes.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: That's incredible.
- Tanya Kirbuk: We are going to send a probe down.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: GOOD.
- Tanya Kirbuk: I didn't know you brought liquor on board. It is forbidden.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: You think I'd step foot on this tub sober?
- Tanya Kirbuk: You think I was wrong to send Max.
- Heywood Floyd: Doesn't matter what I think.
- Tanya Kirbuk: You think I was wrong.
- Heywood Floyd: Yep.
- Tanya Kirbuk: What do you think that is?
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: I don't know. You think Max knows?
- Tanya Kirbuk: Dr. Floyd, you are not a very practical man.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: [gesturing to the monolith outside the cockpit window] Look at that thing. Tell me what practical is.
- Tanya Kirbuk: Tell me, Dr. Floyd, what has happened to American bravery?
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: [testy] It's alive and well, thank you. What happened to Russian common sense?
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: Buy you a drink? Great stuff, this bourbon. It comes from a land called Kentucky.
- Tanya Kirbuk: I didn't know you brought liquor on board. It is forbidden.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: You think I'd set foot on this tub sober? Come on, try it. You can't beat the taste of alcohol and plastic.
- Tanya Kirbuk: You think I was wrong to send Max?
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: Doesn't matter what I think.
- Tanya Kirbuk: You think I was wrong
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: Yep.
- Tanya Kirbuk: [drinks bourbon] So what else do they do in Kentucky?
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: Uh, they have a big, big horse race. They play very good basketball. They have babies like everyone else.
- Tanya Kirbuk: That sounds like a nice place.
- Dr. Heywood Floyd: Never been there.
- Tanya Kirbuk: We can speculate all we want. It will not do us any good. If for some reason or other it is resisting our instruments, then, we must make a closer inspection.