As tended to be the case when standups got their own sitcoms, working their old material into storylines suitable for filming just doesn't work out very well and this was no exception. As funny as Paul Rodriguez was at the time, the watered-down prime time version of him fell flat and the networks weren't as desperate for ratings as they were when they decided to give Seinfeld multiple chances to prove itself.
That said, it was still the first time I can remember hearing anyone on television speaking Spanish as a kid and I think it's important not to dismiss it even if it failed utterly. Yeah, we all knew not everyone in the cast was actually Mexican and we all knew this wasn't really an accurate portrayal of anything by a longshot, but when you came from a Spanish speaking household yourself and were sometimes ostracized from grade school society as a result, it still struck a nerve. I'm glad it got made even if it sucked.