Jan-Michael Vincent credited as playing...
Stringfellow Hawke
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Incredible! So, when I heard you moving around up here... I wanted to talk.
- [as he scowls down at her, she shakes her head]
- Gabrielle Ademaur: About the *art!* How anyone could put together a collection like that. It's fantastic...!
- [he remains cold and implacid]
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Yeah, I'm sorry, I guess it's none of my business.
- Stringfellow Hawke: [grabs her, pulls her back] You didn't come here to talk about art.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: [insists] Yes, I did.
- [he throws her down onto the bed, is on top of her, glaring down into her eyes]
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Don't!
- Stringfellow Hawke: [grunts] It's what you came here for.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: [shakes her head] No.
- Stringfellow Hawke: Archangel is worried I might not take the assignment. You're here to sweeten the deal.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: [squirms underneath him] You're wrong!
- Stringfellow Hawke: And you're a liar! You didn't come here to talk about art.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Yes, I did!