- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: [Major Ben-Mufta and Dr. Moffet are watching a scantily clad dancer in a nightclub] I don't understand what you Westerners see in women with such skinny bodies, in the desert a body like this would wither and die in a matter of hours.
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: After a few hours with such a body, what would it matter?
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: [watches the dancer intently] I want her...
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: Ah... That will be difficult, we believe she is an American spy.
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: Perhaps I can question her for you...
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: I could do that... Of course, Brother Kadafi was most pleased with your exploits this afternoon against the French on behalf of our beleaguered freedom fighters in Chad. Your destruction of two French Mirage fighters will be told about in the camps of our people until the desert sand turns to water...
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: But it's still not enough to pay for her?
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: [laughs] There are many women here who are just...
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: [snaps] What is?
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: An American Destroyer...
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: [slight laugh] Done!
- Michael 'Archangel' Coldsmith Briggs III: Straight at the Libyan coast! You trying to egg them out?
- Carrier Commander: There's no need for that, sir. If your boys don't get that chopper in 4 hours, our boys go in and blow it away!
- Faye: Our 'boys,' Captain, include women! One of whom has already given her life on this mission!
- Carrier Commander: I'm sorry, ma'am, it's just a figure of speech!
- Michael 'Archangel' Coldsmith Briggs III: [when Stringfellow's infuriating behaviour annoys Gabrielle] Only because he likes you.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Incredible! So, when I heard you moving around up here... I wanted to talk.
- [as he scowls down at her, she shakes her head]
- Gabrielle Ademaur: About the *art!* How anyone could put together a collection like that. It's fantastic...!
- [he remains cold and implacid]
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Yeah, I'm sorry, I guess it's none of my business.
- Stringfellow Hawke: [grabs her, pulls her back] You didn't come here to talk about art.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: [insists] Yes, I did.
- [he throws her down onto the bed, is on top of her, glaring down into her eyes]
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Don't!
- Stringfellow Hawke: [grunts] It's what you came here for.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: [shakes her head] No.
- Stringfellow Hawke: Archangel is worried I might not take the assignment. You're here to sweeten the deal.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: [squirms underneath him] You're wrong!
- Stringfellow Hawke: And you're a liar! You didn't come here to talk about art.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Yes, I did!
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: There's nothing wrong with a little perversion, as long as you don't hurt yourself.
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: [as Gabrielle dances] Is this one a spy too?
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: Probably. She was supplied by the same theatrical agency as Angela.
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: Well... Angela was very fragile. At least this one appears to be a little more substantial. Will you be questioning her?
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: Eventually.
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: Perhaps I could be of help.
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: [as Gabrielle tries to shield her eyes from the glaring light] Drop your hand.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Can't see a thing...
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: [sternly] Name?
- Gabrielle Ademaur: You have my passport.
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: Name...!
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Gabrielle Ademaur.
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: Occupation?
- Gabrielle Ademaur: [smirks] I don't believe this.
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: Just answer my question.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: I'm a hoofer.
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: A hoofer?
- [frowns]
- Gabrielle Ademaur: [demonstrates tap dancing with her high heels while she remains sitting] Yes, a dancer.
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: [smiles] Gabrielle... if that is your real name...
- Gabrielle Ademaur: You're damn right it's my real name!
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: We know you are a spy for the firm.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: God. You know, you people, you're really paranoid. Just because I'm an American doesn't mean I'm a spy, okay? I'm a dancer. I'm under contract to Mirabelle Oil.
- [he just stares at her]
- Gabrielle Ademaur: I'd like to see someone from the American embassy now.
- [nods]
- Major Mufta Ben-Kamal: [shakes his head] There is no American embassy in Tripoli.
- Gabrielle Ademaur: Then I'd like to see someone who'd listen to reason.
- Dr. Charles Henry Moffet: [appears behind her] Perhaps... I could be of some help.
- [she shivers]