When Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present visit the Cratchit home, Bob hangs Tiny Tim's crutch on pegs by the fireplace. When the children go to the table, Tim is using his crutch; when the Ghost tells Scrooge that none other of his race will see Tim, the crutch is back on the fireplace.
In the outdoor scene where Ebenezer and Belle break their engagement, they rise from the bench and walk a ways to their right. After Belle leaves, and Ebenezer is shown standing alone, he is back up the path on the other side of the bench.
After the Ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge his breakup with Belle, Scrooge is taken forward in time to just seven years earlier to see that Belle is happily married with children, but earlier it's implied that at least 20 to 30 years have passed since Belle and Scrooge were together; Scrooge has now become an old man but Belle has barely aged at all.
When Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present enter the Cratchits' home, Mrs. Cratchit sees Peter eating a biscuit and reminds him to leave some for the others. When he says he is just testing the food, he is alone next to the fireplace and looking back to where Mrs. Cratchit would have been before she approached him. Immediately, she is then seen next to him and begins walking back.
When Scrooge visits his nephew, Fred, on Christmas day, Fred's wife, Janet, has a silk wrap around her arms that hangs behind her, near her lower back. As the three of them converse, the wrap suddenly moves up to her shoulders, without her ever having adjusted it. Later, the wrap droops off her shoulders, back down to her lower back again.
When Tiny Tim comes to meet his father, Bob Cratchit at 7:00pm on Christmas Eve at his place of work, it is still light outside, when it should be dark.
Scrooge's watch is too new for the era. The first stem-wind watches were sold to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at the London Exhibition eight years later, and did not become common until 40 years after the date of the action. His watch should have been a key-wind.
The Cratchits' receive the turkey around 10:00 in the morning. By the time it was plucked and dressed, it would taken at least 10 hours to cook, if it was able to fit in the oven in the first place.
The bells ring in Scrooge's living quarters. In actuality, the bells would be located in the servant's quarters. The head of the household would pull a cord to indicate that service was required, for example, deliver the meal now. The bells would ring downstairs, alerting the servants.
When Scrooge and The Ghost of Christmas Past visit Scrooge at school the ghost states that he is left neglected at school owing to the fact that his father rejects him because his mother died in childbirth, his birth. He is then visited by his sister whom he calls "Little Fan," so many think Fan is younger than Ebenezer. Obviously, Fan is older but is physically smaller, hence her nickname.
The string holding up the Spirit of Christmas Past's snuffer is briefly visible when she removes her hand from above it in the first scene with Scrooge. The snuffer shakes and wobbles perceptibly (as the string is slightly moved) throughout the scene.
Near the beginning of the movie, some children are sliding on some "ice" which ripples under their feet - it's actually some sort of plastic sheeting.
Tiny Tim breaks the "fourth wall" several times, looking up into the camera. Particularly during the dinner scene with the Ghost of Christmas Present when Bob Cratchit is tasting the Christmas pudding.
When Scrooge looks out his window after Marley's ghost has left, the wind is howling (and Scrooge's hair is blowing) yet none of the powdery snow outside is affected at all. The shot out the window is a still photograph.
When Marley's ghost exits Scrooge's bedroom, he opens the window and shrinks into the distance. However, the perspective and alignment on Marley is slightly off, so it appears as though he is literally shrinking, rather than getting smaller as he flies off into the distance.
Near the start when Scrooge goes home, he lifts a bowl of food from the fireplace and acts like it's hot, but it looks like the fire has gone out or was never lit.
The spinet piano during Christmas Present was not available until the 1930s.
All the brass players in the bands are playing piston-valve instruments, which only became available around 1890.
The brass cornet and tuba in the beginning are 20th century inventions.
After visiting the Cratchits, The Ghost of Christmas Present and Scrooge pass carolers singing "The Holly and the Ivy." This hymn did not come out until 1849, six years later than the story.
Near the film's end, Scrooge wears a red waistcoat that looks far too modern for the era; the waistcoat he wears at Fred's house would not have been worn until the at least the 1880s.
When the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come takes Scrooge to the cemetery, and Scrooge asks why they are here, you can see a rope at the bottom of the screen that pulls the Ghost across the graveyard to simulate it floating across on air.
In the beginning, Scrooge heads into the scene to talk to the three men, whenever the guy says "Merry Christmas" to Ebenezer Scrooge he visibly smiles and looks like he's saying it back though no words are audible.
The dome of St Paul's Cathedral is visible just a few streets away from the Cratchits' house, but when Scrooge later orders the poulterer to deliver a goose to the Cratchits' house in Camden Town (as named in the book), it's over four miles away from St Paul's.
It takes a few moments for Scrooge to get to the exchange, but when Bob leaves work with Tiny Tim, they seem to get there more quickly, as the exchange is seen in the next few scenes; possibly Bob took a shortcut.
Fred is supposed to be a poor man, yet he can apparently afford an elegant house, a maid and an apprentice.
Fred's wife Janet, is wearing her hair in a style called "a la Frankie," created in Paris during the 1780s to resemble the beaverskin cap worn by Benjamin Franklin. This would have gone out of style by the 1830s, when the story is set, and would not likely have been seen in England.
When the men of charity first approach Scrooge at the exchange, he is dismissive of them before finding out that they are collecting for the poor. For all he knew, they were fellow businessmen wanting to transact a profitable deal with him.
Near the beginning of the film, Bob waits until Fred wishes him a Merry Christmas as though waiting for his cue.
When Scrooge instructs the poulterer to deliver the prize turkey to Bob Cratchit, he tells him to say it's from a friend. However, when the poulterer delivers it, he describes it as being from someone anonymous.
Marley walks into Scrooge's room after the door opens, but he could easily have walked through the wall, being a ghost and transparent.