Here's a great premise for a film, that sadly wastes a bunch of bloody good actors in what is one hell of a disappointing and short changed result. I had seen this movie on the video shelves in the 80's and pictured a different story and made Kanaly as the star lead, another disappointment, as I really wanted to see this good actor strut more of his stuff. On the flipside, in what must be his first and only lead, is the underrated Indian actor, Sonny Landham, and I was quite taken aback by this cast placement. Who's, Sonny Landham, may you ask? You'll know if you watched a lot of Walter Hill, or Arnie movies, etc, in the 80's. He really turns in a good, if fine performance, but also he's a character we kind of sympathize with, someone unfairly institutionalized kind of his religious beliefs, marking him as a looney. Taking revenge, he escapes, the first scene, heralding a much exciting show to follow. But like the arid, hot bitch of a desert, he dumps these four psychiatrists off, responsible, for his incarceration, the movie becomes an arid watch and adventure, a game of wits to overthrow their nemesis, who seems to be one step ahead, and not far out of reach, the suspense factor takes an actual dump, like other things. There is a beautiful panoramic, if quite mesmerizing, bewitching, five second shot, just as the four are dropped and the camera does one of those now, childish slow zooms in. The story does work to a very realistic, 'What you would do scenario?", but the movie is just one long arid bore, with little violence,and a little of anything else in it. The ending sucks, and you'll see why, relieved, nut unfulfilled. Film's only worth is in it's honest and good performances. Karen Carlson is good in anything too. Your might feel your flesh burn in this movie, but your anger and anger and patience may boil. The writer of this film. deserves to be dropped off in the hot stinking desert.