- New York Times [Janet Maslin]
- 10kBullets [Michael Den Boer]
- A Regrettable Moment of Sincerity [Adam Lippe]
- AllMovie [Jeremy Wheeler]
- AllOfCinema.com [Evgeniy Nefyodov]
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- avoir-alire.com [Virgile Dumez]
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- Badmovies.org [Andrew Borntreger]
- Behind the Couch [James Gracey]
- Blu-ray.com [Dr. Svet Atanasov]
- Boca do Inferno [Juvenatrix]
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- Cagey Films [kgeorge]
- CHUD [Michael Monterastelli]
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- Cinemagazine [Sander Colin]
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- Cineycine.com [Juanma Martínez]
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- Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings [Dave Sindelar]
- Filmliefhebber.com [Paul Hauer]
- Dutch
- Fragmenten.blog (Jeppe Kleijngeld)
- HorrorNews.net [Ryne Barber]
- Indy Film Library: Going down: De Lift, and the glorious absurdity of Dick Maas movies
- KQEK.com [Mark R. Hasan]
- Letterboxd
- Long's Short Takes
- Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies [The Vicar of VHS]
- McBastard's Mausoleum [Ken Kastenhuber] blu-ray
- Mondo Bizarro [Alec Pridgen]
- Mondo Digital [Nathaniel Thompson]
- Movie Specials [Niels van Eijkelenburg] (DVD / Dutch)
- Not Coming to a Theater Near You [Leo Goldsmith and Thomas Scalzo]
- outlawvern.com [Vern]
- Ozus' World Movie Reviews [Dennis Schwartz]
- Peter Reiher
- Place Logo Here
- RepulsiveReviews.com [Frank Fulci]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [Ian Jane]
- Schlockmeisters YOUTUBE [John Schlockmeister]
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- Shaun Anderson [The Celluloid Highway]
- The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review [Richard Scheib]
- The Spinning Image [Graeme Clark]
- The Weekly Podcast Massacre [Michael Murphy, Greg Anderson, Kill]
- TheGoryOneLiner [Jordan de Jong]
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