Mona is a normal teenage girl, who starts going out with a boy named Henkka.Later this boy has to share Mona with Jesus.Mona ja Palavan Rakkauden Aika (1983) is a lesser known Mikko Niskanen movie.He got an inspiration to this movie when some girl asked him if he will laugh at her when she talks about God.It makes this movie more personal.Anna-Leena Härkönen, a well-known writer now, was only 17 when she did the role of Mona in this movie.And she gives a very fine performance.Liisamaija Laaksonen is terrific as her mother.Same thing with Veli Keskiväli, who plays Mona's father.Markku Halme is very good as Henkka.Erkki Pajala is great as Musician.Mikko Niskanen himself plays Mona's mother's boss Martti.His brother, Sakari Niskanen, plays Bouncer of revival meeting.In the music department you can hear Pelle Miljoona.This movie hadn't been shown on TV, until yesterday, since 1992.I don't see the reason why it's so much forgotten.It may not be a brilliant movie, but it does give a pretty accurate portray of the youth.I was never like that at that age, you know, a beer drinking party animal.But the youth of this movie is mostly like that.It isn't very pleasant to watch them act, well, like animals.Maybe a little fascinating, though.The movie portrays the religious awakening of Mona very well.When Jesus walks into her life and fills her with light.And the way people around her cope with the situation.So, if you didn't catch the movie yesterday, don't miss it the next time.It's actually pretty good.