James Fox credited as playing...
Richard Fielding
- Ali: How is Britain justified in holding India?
- Dr. Aziz H. Ahmed: Unfair political question!
- Richard Fielding: No, no! Well, personally, I'm here because I need a job.
- Ali: Qualified Indians also need jobs!
- Richard Fielding: I got here first.
- [laughter]
- Richard Fielding: Well, I like it here and that's my excuse.
- Advocate Hamidullah: And those Englishmen who do not like it here?
- Richard Fielding: Chuck 'em out.
- [laughter]
- Ali: Indians are also saying that.
- Turton: [in a club meeting] There is a certain member here present who is known to be in contact with the defense. One can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds - at least not in this country!
- Richard Fielding: I'd like to say something.
- Turton: Please do.
- Richard Fielding: I believe Dr. Aziz is innocent. I will await the verdict of the jury. If he is found guilty, I will resign my post and leave India. I resign from the Club now!
- [exits]
- Adela Quested: I do so hate mysteries.
- Richard Fielding: We English do.
- Mrs. Moore: I rather like mysteries - but I rather dislike muddles.
- Richard Fielding: A mystery is only a high-sounding term for a muddle. Me and the Professor know that India is a muddle.
- Professor Godbhole: Agreed, I am sorry to say.
- Professor Godbhole: Nothing you do will change the outcome.
- Richard Fielding: So "Do nothing!" Is that your philosophy?
- Professor Godbhole: My philosophy is you can do what you like... but the outcome will be the same.
- Richard Fielding: [on the glasses found on Aziz after the latter's arrest] If he had assaulted her he'd scarcely bring the evidence back with him.
- McBryde: Doesn't surprise me.
- Richard Fielding: I don't follow.
- McBryde: When you think of crime, you think of English crime. The psychology's different here.