Charlie : Mister. I am the Pope, this might be your church, right now I'm the Pope of Greenwich Village 'cause I got the tape alright?
Bedbug Eddie : I like you have balls. I don't get too mad at that.
Paulie : [Going over the racing form with Charlie at the track] And if you see a "G" that means gelding. That's when they whack the horse's dick off. Ba-Boom, it's just a memory, man.
Charlie : Balls! Balls!
Paulie : Balls, dick, everything, man.
Charlie : No, they whack the balls. They whack his balls off. They don't whack his dick!
Charlie : I didn't do anything, Paulie. I didn't hit her. I didn't do nothin'.
Paulie : You can't do that man. I mean you don't abuse 'em once in a while they'll shit all over you. I don't mean you walk around morning to night whackin' 'em upside the head like someone from the other side but you terrorize 'em once in a while just to keep 'em in line. Know what I mean?
Ronnie : The old man's upstairs, z'got a bug up his ass *this big*.
Charlie : Hey, so what else is new.
Ronnie : It's no bullshit Charlie. He's checkin' the dupes.
Charlie : He's checkin' the waiter's dupes tonight?
Ronnie : Party's over for a while. And this broad you're startin' up with? That's Johnny Mac's private stock.
Charlie : Honest work. Let me tell ya somethin' about 'honest work'. When somebody says they got 'honest work', you know what they got? They got a shit job, that's what they got.
Diane : Charlie? Charlie!
Charlie : What? What do you want? Huh, What? Say it. What. What? What do you want! SPEAK! What do you want!
Diane : I'm pregnant.
Charlie : Come over here. Come over here. Get over here! Come over here! Come here! Come over here right now! No wait... wait... don't come over here. don't come over here. Don't come over here.