The label for the brown bottle of "Liquid Heat" changes position between shots to always face the camera.
The roof-mounted packing trunk disappears momentarily during the initial drive to Adams in Mr. Skolnick's car.
When Coach Harris lectures the jocks following losing at the homecoming carnival, behind him is a blue wall with text reading "Only the strong shall survive" and a door that reads "COACH HARRIS." But when the Alpha Betas run out of the locker room, the blue wall has become white and there is no writing on it.
During the fraternity house party, the blond, curly-haired nerd with the black fedora dances behind Lewis and his date, while simultaneously standing behind Poindexter in the kitchen.
Ogre grabs someone's pie and gets whipped cream on his costume. In the next shot, when he reports back to the other Alpha Betas, the stain disappears.
Gilbert's intent to calculate an "exact ETA" makes no sense, as ETA means "estimated time of arrival." The best he could produce would be a close or "reasonable" estimate.
Mopery is not exposing oneself to a blind person, that would be public nudity. Mopery is any minor or petty crime.
The trichloromethylene Takashi takes to counteract the alcohol does not exist. A common misconception is that they are talking about chloroform, which is also known as trichloromethane.
Obviously, this is a fictional drug created for the purposes of the film as there is no actual drug that would completely counteract the effects of drinking twenty cans of beer. The film depicts the Nerds as geniuses, so obviously one of them has used his talents to create a new drug to be used in this situation.
Obviously, this is a fictional drug created for the purposes of the film as there is no actual drug that would completely counteract the effects of drinking twenty cans of beer. The film depicts the Nerds as geniuses, so obviously one of them has used his talents to create a new drug to be used in this situation.
When Lamar starts climbing the rope into the Pi house during the panty raid scene, he kicks Wormser in the face as he stars climbing the rope.
It's possible for someone to accidentally kick someone in the face while climbing a rope, just as what happened with the actors in real life while filming the scene.
It's possible for someone to accidentally kick someone in the face while climbing a rope, just as what happened with the actors in real life while filming the scene.
During the Lambda/Omega Mu song, when Lamar is singing, Poindexter can be seen "bumping" to the music (going up on his toes) out of time with the others.
This is deliberate as he is depicted as being uncoordinated throughout the film.
This is deliberate as he is depicted as being uncoordinated throughout the film.
As the fire department extinguishes the frat house fire, they spray water on the "AB" sign above the door. The distinct blue glow of a gas burner is visible.
Many of the videos the Nerds receive of the Pis using the cameras are from angles that were not attainable with any of the ceiling-mounted cameras.
Betty gives Stan his football pin, back. In the end scenes, she's wearing it again.
When they are the surveillance camera to spy on the Pi sorority, the camera is plugged in but that the camera also has no RG36 cable wire hooked up to it and it would be impossible for the camera to transmit anything.
During the end of the Carnival show, Poindexter's fingers aren't moving on his electric violin.
When Judy is serving food at the party, a piece of chicken is seen falling off the plate.
In most frames of the Homecoming Carnival skit performed by the Pis, they clearly aren't singing, yet multiple voices are heard singing throughout the song. At one point in, the girls grunt at the same time they are singing.
When the horn players begin to play, officially commencing the Triathalon, the trumpet player on the right does not lip synch on cue. Towards the end, he is taking breaths when instead, he should be blowing into the instrument.
While Gilbert and Lewis are carrying the trunk towards their dorms, just before the two bikes crash into each other, the shadows of the camera and cameraman appear on the road.