Phillip Brock credited as playing...
- Jackson: [Jackson has just lent Joe his motorcycle, so that Joe can sneak off their Army base - where he's been wrongfully confined - to the local country club] Charley, I wanna talk with you about your future. You're gonna put on working fatigues, then come right back and help me cover for Joe. Any questions?
- Pvt. Charley Madison: One: What's all this got to do with my future?
- Jackson: Because, if you don't go along with all this, you ain't gonna *have* a future. Capisce?
- [first lines]
- Pvt. Charley Madison: Hey! I'm great at that game. Back home in California, I'm like deadly. Hold on, I'll teach you girls how to play.
- First Soldier: Yeah. Yeah.
- Pvt. Charley Madison: Hey, Buddy, come on. We need an extra guy to even up the sides. Hey, come on.