This film essentially begins with a young auto mechanic named "Nathan Bowzer" (Robby Benson) telling his good friend "Ernie" (Ernie Hudson) about one day going to California in order to escape the harsh winter there in New Jersey. Having heard him say this many times before, Ernie simply nods his head and tries to keep things positive. Even so, thanks in large part to a television commercial featuring a beautiful model basking in the California sunshine, Nathan continues to dream about moving there one day. Then, as fate would have it, after enduring yet another family squabble at the dinner table the night before, Nathan actually books a one-way ticket to California where he hopes to start a brand-new life. Not only that, but he also happens to meet the exact same model from the television commercial and soon falls madly in love with her. What he doesn't count on, however, is how difficult it will be for a naïve young man from New Jersey to actually adapt to the California lifestyle. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, even though this film is billed as a comedy, there really isn't that much humor to be found here. It does, however, have an endearing quality due in large part to the acting of both Robby Benson and, to a lesser extent, Ernie Hudson. Likewise, I thought that Martha Longley (as the fashion model named "Heather") was a perfect fit for her part as well. Be that as it may, while I don't consider this to be a great film by any means, I suppose it had its moments and I have rated it accordingly. Average.