What were they thinking when this movie was released? It is truly, utterly and irretrievably awful. It is not tongue-in-cheek enough to be comic book, and so stupid that no sane viewer would treat it as being believable.
The script is cliched, corny and written in haste. The acting is wooden and under-rehearsed. The direction is sloppy, the photography second-rate and the special effects sub-standard even by mid-eighties TV standard. The whole premise seems to be to turn out a trashy TV pilot as quickly and cheaply as possible.
Only Joanna Cassidy holds it together at all, and most of the time she is fighting the lame script more than the bland bad-guy. The other characters try to do their best but have nothing to work with.
Lacking in charm, excitement, interest, believability. File under 'Forget'.