I'm going to begin by saying, this review might be a little biased, since I knew Mr. Gormley, who was gracious enough to offer his time and expertise to young screenwriters, whenever he recognized talent. When I met him (in 2003), I knew I'd heard his name before, but couldn't place how or when. It was only after that first meeting (at a local screen writing group) that I looked up his name on IMDb and realized he'd written one of my favorite movies of the 1980's.
"The Gospel According to Vic" is how I know this film; though, as you can see from the top of the info page, it's mainly known as "Heavenly Prusuits." It's not a big budget, blockbuster film, but it does contain a lot of heart, honesty, and decency. It's a story of miracles and belief -- what constitutes a miracle? What distinguishes a miracle from a happy accident or coincidence? Can you be a man of science and a true believer at the same time? Can miracles happen to non-believers? And just how comfortable are people with the idea of real miracles happening all around them?
I can't really pin down why I like this film so much, beyond the fact that it contains realistically drawn characters who deal with some basic philosophical questions. It's not a big film... not an action film or a broad comedy. It's the kind of movie you could share with your family and have a discussion about it afterward.
Conti and Mirren are brilliant, and even the minor players (like the Doctor and the Priest) are well-acted and fleshed out. Sometimes it's hard to understand the students' dialogue, if you see the film in its original release version (Mr. Gormley told me they'd actually dubbed the film later for the international version, using actors whose accents weren't as thick).
Well worth the effort, if you can track down a copy...