- [first lines]
- Narrator: Since the beginning of time, man has looked to the stars and wondered if others like ourselves existed. Would they be super-intelligent, peaceful, sensitive? Our story will go some way to answering these eternal questions.
- Television Presenter: [Referring to the Morons] Commander Matteson added that they were highly-intelligent and potentially dangerous.
- Desmond Brock: [Disgusted] Highly intelligent?
- Sandra Brock: [Interviewed by Scientists] Oh, you must know "Take me Sideways".
- [sings]
- Sandra Brock: So take me sideways, like you always do, it's such a la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la thing to do. My heart goes bim-bim-bim-bim-bim when I'm with you-oo.
- Sandra Brock: Des. Des, I can hear music.
- Desmond Brock: So can I, Sand. I thought you were asleep, you dirty little git.
- Sandra Brock: Oh, don't stop, Des.