Jack Nicholson credited as playing...
Charley Partanna
- Irene Walker: Charley, I've been doin' three to four hits a year for the past couple of years, most at full pay.
- Charley Partanna: That many?
- Irene Walker: Well, it's not many when you consider the size of the population.
- Irene Walker: I can't get over it. What kinda creep wouldn't catch a baby? If it was real it coulda been crippled for life.
- Charley Partanna: He wasn't paid to bodyguard the baby.
- [Charlie is telling Maerose about Irene]
- Charley Partanna: I met her in a church. It just happened. I knew she was the woman for me. She'd organized the scam in Vegas. I go looking for the bad guy and it turns out to be my woman, can you imagine this? Not only that - Pop tells me she's the piece man for the Nettabino contract. Just the same, I love her, Mae... I love her.
- Maerose Prizzi: Well...
- Charley Partanna: How can I live with this? I gotta do something about it. I gotta straighten it out.
- Maerose Prizzi: Then do.
- Charley Partanna: Do what? Do I ice her? Do I marry her? Which one of these?
- Maerose Prizzi: Marry her, Charley. Just because she's a thief and a hitter doesn't mean she's not a good woman in all the other departments. If she was some kind of fashion model, well it wouldn't last more than thirty days. But you and she is in the same line of business. You are lucky you found each other, you know that, Charley?
- Charley Partanna: Yeah, I guess.
- Maerose Prizzi: She's an American! She had a chance to make a buck so she grabbed it. Marry her, Charley. Then at least I'll be able to get something out of it... I'll be able to go back in the family.
- Charley Partanna: Yeah.
- Maerose Prizzi: So let's do it.
- Charley Partanna: With all the lights on?
- Maerose Prizzi: Yeah. Right here. On the Oriental. With all the lights on.
- Don Corrado Prizzi: Charley, you swore an oath of blood, my blood and yours, that you would always put the family before anything else in your life. We are calling on you to keep that sacred oath.
- Charley Partanna: Irene is my family. She's my wife.
- Angelo 'Pop' Partanna: Charley, she is a woman you have known only for a few weeks. She is your wife. We are your life.
- Charley Partanna: [On the telephone] Pop? Charley. I'm in L.A., and that ain't all. I'm gonna get married.
- Angelo 'Pop' Partanna: Ah, the same woman, the contractor?
- Charley Partanna: Yeah. She's Polish, but the family will get used to that gradually.
- Angelo 'Pop' Partanna: Yeah, every time she walks in a room, all the rest of the women in the family are gonna have to shut up. But I know how you feel about it, Charley. I won't try to stop nature. Good luck, son.
- Charley Partanna: Thanks, pop.
- Angelo 'Pop' Partanna: Say listen, the Don wants you here for a big meeting tomorrow night.
- Charley Partanna: Jesus, Pop, what about my honeymoon?
- Angelo 'Pop' Partanna: Well, you'll have it in Brooklyn!
- Charley Partanna: Aw, shit.
- [Pop hangs up]
- Maerose Prizzi: [tearing up] Goddamn!
- Charley Partanna: What's the matter, Mae?
- Maerose Prizzi: I should of known to stay away.
- Charley Partanna: What happened?
- Maerose Prizzi: I went to say hello to my father. He called me a whore.
- Charley Partanna: [comforting her] Aw, Maerose, I'm sorry. Listen, Mae, what you gotta do is forget about your father. Forget about the alignment. They never gonna take you back anyways, so screw 'em. They don't deserve you. Especially that fucking Dominic. Mae, you're still beautiful. Why don't you find yourself someone that has nothing to do with the families, you know? Settle down, have a couple of kids, a life. Practice your meatballs.
- Maerose Prizzi: [sarcastically] Sure, Charlie. Thanks a hell of a lot. You're a big help!
- [Charlie looks bewildered as Maerose brushes past him]
- Charley Partanna: We've wasted a lot of time, Maerose.
- Maerose Prizzi: [sarcastic] 4 years? Why didn't you wait until I was 50?
- Charley Partanna: You could have been a fat wop broad when you were 50.
- Irene Walker: Listen, I've been doing three or four hits a year for the last few years, most of them full pay.
- Charley Partanna: That many?
- Irene Walker: Well, it's not many if you consider the size of the population.
- Charley Partanna: So, ah, how's the decoratin' business?
- Maerose Prizzi: Oh, it's just great, Charlie! We're always busy. Everything is Art Deco now.
- Charley Partanna: Art who?
- Maerose Prizzi: Charlie, Art Deco! You know, after Art Nouveau. It's a style, it's not a person. You know, it's like all that Erte' stuff.