1 review
For me personally Tamás Almássy is a person with good skills as director,if I don't agree with him all the time,but mostly yes.
I've seen this years ago,and last summer it was on the TV again,when I decided I will see this as somebody who is trying to be objective,and yes I have to say this film is enough rich,at acting,script,and direction.
For me this was a personal story,with realism in every content,this one does not try to be more like what is,the characters,are believable,dialog is also something I can believe this is happening in Hungary in 1980.
I hope this will released around the world,in all places where people live,we can be proud for this.
I've seen this years ago,and last summer it was on the TV again,when I decided I will see this as somebody who is trying to be objective,and yes I have to say this film is enough rich,at acting,script,and direction.
For me this was a personal story,with realism in every content,this one does not try to be more like what is,the characters,are believable,dialog is also something I can believe this is happening in Hungary in 1980.
I hope this will released around the world,in all places where people live,we can be proud for this.