Irene Cara credited as playing...
- Coco Hernandez: [the girls are fighting over Leroy] You know what they say? The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.
- Hilary van Doren: Yes, but who wants diabetes?
- Coco Hernandez: Graduating from PA is no Academy Award, if you know what I mean. Look, it is better than real school. Like, its free and you don't get raped in the hallways; but, its still small change. I'm just killin' time here. Waitin' for my opportunity. Might be in a movie or a Broadway musical. But, it's comin'! I keep my eyes open. I read "Backstage", "Show Business" and "Variety". You see, I do the whole thing. Dancing's just the tip of this iceberg. A friend of my sister's, she tells fortunes and stuff. She says I'm doing my last dance on this dark little planet. So, its gotta be spectacular, you know. How bright our spirits go shooting out into space, depends on how much we contributed to the earthly brilliance of this world. And I mean to be a major contributor!
- Coco Hernandez: [singing] Remember my name. Fame! I'm gonna live forever, I'm gonna learn how to fly - high!
- Coco Hernandez: [singing] Sometimes I wonder where I've been, Who I am, Do I fit in. I may not win, But I can't be thrown, Out here on my own...
- Lisa Monroe: [singing] I sing the body electric, I celebrate the me yet to come, I toast to my own reunion, When I become one with the sun!
- Coco Hernandez: And I'll look back on Venus, I'll look back on Mars, And I'll burn with the fire of ten million stars, And in time, And in time, We will all be stars.
- Montgomery McNeil: I sing the body electric, I glory in the glow of rebirth, Creating my own tomorrow, When I shall embody the earth...
- Coco Hernandez: I'm a professional. A few unkind words aren't going to bother me. I know its not going to be all standing ovations.
- Hilary van Doren: Certainly not for you, my dear.
- Coco Hernandez: Look, I'm not my dear! You can f*ck my dear.
- Hilary van Doren: Well, thank you.
- [Looks at Leroy]
- Hilary van Doren: That might be fun.
- Coco Hernandez: That might be impossible. He's not into vanilla.
- Hilary van Doren: Might be a nice change, from black cherry.
- Coco Hernandez: The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice, honey.
- Coco Hernandez: [singing] When I'm down and feelin' blue, I close my eyes so I can be with you. Oh, baby be strong for me; Baby belong to me. Help me through. Help me need you...
- François Lafete: So, you like art movies, huh, Coco?
- Coco Hernandez: Oh, Antonioni and those people? Sure. I mean it beats watching "Laverne and Shirley", right?