Paul L. Smith credited as playing...
- Bluto: [singing] I'm so mean, I had a dream of beatin' myself up. 'Broke my nose, I broke my hand, I wrestled myself to the ground and then, I choked myself to death and broke the choke, and woke up. Aaaarrrrrrgh. I'm mean. You know what I mean. If you know what I mean, you'll know what I mean! I'm mean! Meaner than... I sure am mean. Yeah, mean. I'm meaner than that. You know what I mean. I'm so damn mean! I'm mean!
- Bluto: [to Popeye] Okay, Shorty, the Oyls are gonna be double taxed! Triple taxed! Quadruple taxed! Surtaxed! Exercise taxed! Overtaxed! AND THUMB TAXED!
- Castor Oyl: [sees that Bluto has one petal left on the flower he's holding which counts as "she won't" and is afraid of angering Bluto] She won't marry you... she...
- Bluto: [removing petal happily] She will!
- Bluto: Commodore.
- Poopdeck Pappy: Don't keep calling me commodore inside this here harbor. I got millions'o emenies. And you is 10 or 12 of 'em.