Lee Broker credited as playing...
Security One
- First Scanner: [ConSec is holding a press conference on a scanner demonstration] I would like to scan all of you in this room, one at a time. I must remind you that the scanning experience is usually a painful one... sometimes resulting in nosebleeds, earaches, stomach cramps, nausea. Sometimes other symptoms of a similar nature. There is a doctor present, Dr. Gattineau. I know that you've all been prepared for this, but I thought I'd just remind you just the same. There is one other thing... no one is to leave this room once the demonstration has begun. At this point, I'd like to call for volunteers.
- [audience looks at each other, looking for the first volunteer]
- First Scanner: Anyone, it doesn't matter.
- [Revok raises his hand]
- First Scanner: [spotting Revok's raised hand] Fine.
- [Revok walks to stage]
- First Scanner: [pulls out chair for Revok at table] Just sit right here, please.
- First Scanner: Now I'd like you to think of something specific. Something that will not breach the security of your organization and that you will not object to having disclosed to this group. Something personal, perhaps.
- Darryl Revok: All right. Yes, I have something. Do I have to close my eyes?
- First Scanner: It doesn't matter.
- Darryl Revok: All right, I have something, yes.
- [scanning process begins, First Scanner's head begins to twitch, gradually becoming more severe, Revok's face reveals that he himself is now scanning the scanner, who tries to resist... scanning duel intensifies... first scanner's head explodes, prompting in screams from the audience, pandemonium breaks loose, security confronts Revok]
- Security One: You need to come with me.
- Darryl Revok: I didn't do anything.