Steve Railsback credited as playing...
- Man watching second unit stunt shot: [after corpse-strewn scene turns out to be faked] Great, but why do they always use so much blood? Ruins the realism, don't you think?
- Cameron: Asshole.
- Cameron: [after completing stunt] That was the hardest thousand dollars I ever earned.
- Eli Cross: [Later... Starts to turn away, then turns back] Thousand dollars? What thousand dollars?
- Cameron: [curt] The stunt.
- Eli Cross: The stunt pays six-fifty.
- Cameron: [angrily] No. Chuck said the stunt paid a thousand dollars.
- Eli Cross: [dismissing him] Chuck could have promised you the Nobel Prize. The stunt pays six-fifty.
- Cameron: [shouting] The stunt pays a thousand dollars. Chuck told me. You insulted me again.
- Chuck Barton: Done any stuntwork?
- Cameron: Not really.
- Chuck Barton: Not really? You have or you haven't.
- Cameron: I got out of 'Nam in one piece. That's a helluva stunt.
- Chuck Barton: Ancient history.
- Cameron: Seems like yesterday to me.
- Cameron: [after demonstrating a leap for Chuck] My specialty's the broad jump.
- Chuck Barton: [angrily] And Burt's specialty was drowning!
- Eli Cross: Well, talking of jail, would you be very upset if I asked just how many policemen are after you?
- Cameron: Me? I don't know what you are talking about.
- Eli Cross: The way you ran from the bridge, and the look on your face, and your charm bracelet. That's what I'm talking about. I suppose care to tell me what it is that you did?
- Chuck Barton: You know, one daredevil on this picture was enough! The hell is Eli thinking? Sending me a smartass, cocky, amateur kid when I need a stuntman! A little different when you're running across those roofs and they're pumping tracer bullets over your head.
- Cameron: I was running for 26 months with guys shooting *at* my head, not over my head. I'm here. I'm alive. I knew daredevils, and I ain't got nothing against 'em, it's just they're all dead. So how about giving me break! You putting me on? Huh?
- Chuck Barton: Me? I wouldn't know how to do that.
- Chuck Barton: [indicating distance of about 4 feet] You think you can jump from there to there?
- Cameron: [wondering if he's joking] From there to there?
- Chuck Barton: Umm hmm.
- Cameron: [before easily jumping the distance] Okie dokie.
- Chuck Barton: Oh, very good... except you're dead. Your brains are scattered all over the pavement. You should land in a tuck and then roll.
- Cameron: Show me, Sargeant.