Peter Vaughan credited as playing...
Winston the Ogre
- [tossing out a fishing net]
- Winston the Ogre: There used to be a time when you could be sure of catching old boots, cans, hat racks, boxes. Now it's prawns all the bloody time.
- [the Ogres have caught the Time Bandits and Kevin in their fishing net]
- Mrs. Ogre: Aren't they lovely? We can have them for breakfast.
- Winston the Ogre: You mean eat their boots?
- Mrs. Ogre: No dear, I mean eat *all* of them. Every little bit.
- Winston the Ogre: I grew too fast when I was young, that was the problem.
- Mrs. Ogre: You've been overdoing it a bit dear, that's all.
- Winston the Ogre: You try being beastly and terrifying... you can only get one hour sleep a night because your back hurts, and you daren't cough unless you want to pull a muscle.
- Mrs. Ogre: But you ARE horrible, dear.
- Winston the Ogre: You're just saying that.
- Winston the Ogre: What shall I do, dear?
- Mrs. Ogre: Terrify them!
- Winston the Ogre: What about me back?
- Mrs. Ogre: Well, you don't have to jump around. Just shout horribly and to leer at them. You know, the way you used to.