3 reviews
Some regard this a Swedish cult film, they may be correct in some nostalgic sense. But apart from the somewhat diminishing nostalgic value, this film is a complete artistic failure.
The story is sketchy and inconsistent, and the acting is far from satisfying; especially the father who's voice is in a constant yelling mode, he is uttering every expression with an annoyingly loud cry.
The editing of the sound is lacking in professional touch, sometimes the soundtrack music is so loud that the dialogue of the characters is unhearable.
And above all, the intellectual depth is about an inch deep, the jokes are suitable for 5-year-olds.
It may be regarded as cult by some, but it is certainly nothing more than that.
The story is sketchy and inconsistent, and the acting is far from satisfying; especially the father who's voice is in a constant yelling mode, he is uttering every expression with an annoyingly loud cry.
The editing of the sound is lacking in professional touch, sometimes the soundtrack music is so loud that the dialogue of the characters is unhearable.
And above all, the intellectual depth is about an inch deep, the jokes are suitable for 5-year-olds.
It may be regarded as cult by some, but it is certainly nothing more than that.
I have seen this movie about ten times and know almost all lines by heart. This is just the perfect comedy. Every detail is well thought out, the pacing is fast and fun, the characters show quite a bit of depth and the music is wonderful. Sometimes you can see things occurring in the background like in the Naked Gun movies, but unlike those, this movie is more true to life; except for a few things (grandpa's sand bucket, for instance) it shows things that could really happen, thus you can identify with the characters in the various situations they get into. 10/10