Watching WALKING TALL on TV was a blast back in the early 80's. It was unfortunate that they put it up against THE LOVE BOAT which at the time was a major hit. Saturday night TV belonged to ABC which had THE LOVE BOAT at 9 pm and FANTASY ISLAND at 10pm. NBC went up against those two juggernauts with WALKING TALL at 9pm and HILL STREET BLUES at 10pm. Both NBC shows took a beating. Then WALKING TALL was canceled. HILL STREET was moved to another night and became a hit. I missed WALKING TALL for years. TV just wasn't the same without the great Bo Svenson hitting punks upside their heads with a big stick. But my prayers have been answered! WALKING TALL has been released on DVD and I couldn't be happier! Give this one a look folks! Pick this series up, pop some corn, pop the DVD in your player, grab a cool beverage, and settle back and enjoy Bufford whoopin' the crap out of the bad guys! I especially enjoy the spectacle of Bufford Pusser hittin' white supremacists with a big stick! GREAT STUFF! WALKING TALL is classic 80's TV and a helluva lot of fun on DVD!