Alex Diakun credited as playing...
- McVain: Give me the ID, I gotta fill out my report.
- Dolan: Play me for it.
- McVain: We're not kids anymore, Dole.
- Dolan: Come on Jase, take your best shot.
- McVain: Will you just give it to me!
- Dolan: for it!
- McVain: No games! I said, NO GAMES!
- Dolan: Plaaaay...
- [McVain slaps Dolan's right hand, and Dolan reveals the ID and hands it to McVain]
- McVain: Thanks, kid.
- Dolan: That's okay, but I get to keep the horse!
- [holds up the hood ornament he took from the car]
- McVain: Whoopee.
- [Dolan leaves]
- Shana: Why do you give in to him, Jase? He's insane.
- McVain: Because he's insane.
- [laughs hysterically]