- New York Times [Vincent Canby]
- A Keeper of The Crimson Quill (Rivers of Grue)
- All Movie Guide [Donald Guarisco]
- Andersonvision - Blu-ray [Troy Anderson]
- B and S About Movies [R. D Francis]
- b-movies.gr
- Greek
- Birth Movies Death [Jacob Knight]
- Bloodcrypt [The Saddest Clown in the World]
- Bloody Disgusting [Joe and Trace]
- Blu-ray Authority - Blu-ray [Jake Keet]
- Blu-ray.com [Michael Reuben]
- Chrichton's World
- CHUD - DVD [Thor Klippert]
- Cinema Gonzo [Thomas Duke]
- Cinema Retro - Blu-ray [Tim McGlynn]
- Classic Film & TV Cafe [R.B. Armstrong]
- derekwinnert.com [Derek Winnert]
- Detroit Cineaste [Michael Sobczak]
- DeVilDead
- French
- Digitally Obsessed - DVD [Mark Zimmer]
- DiscLand - DVD [Jonathan Doyle]
- DVD Movie Guide - Blu-Ray [Colin Jacobson]
- DVD Movie Guide - DVD [Colin Jacobson]
- DVD News Flash - Blu-ray
- DVD Talk - Blu-ray [Stuart Galbraith IV]
- DVD Talk - DVD [Glenn Erickson]
- DVDBeaver Blu-ray [Gary Tooze]
- DVDBeaver.com [Gary W. Tooze]
- eFilmCritic [Jack Sommersby]
- Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings [Dave Sindelar]
- Film Authority [Eddie Harrison]
- Film Critics United
- Film Freak Central - DVD [Bill Chambers]
- Film Frenzy - Blu-ray [Matt Brunson]
- FilmsFantastiques.com [Gilles Penso]
- French
- Hannes' Filmarchiv
- German
- House of Self-Indulgence [Yum-Yum]
- I, Ron, eek! - DVD [Ronald Helfrich Jnr.]
- In meinem Herzen haben viele Filme Platz [Frank Stegemann]
- German
- Kindertrauma [unkle lancifer]
- marcfusion.com
- MonsterZero NJ's Movie Madhouse [MonsterZero NJ]
- Movie House Commentary
- Moviebreak.de [Jacko Kunze]
- German
- Movies - Noir
- Swedish
- Movies of the 80s [Alice]
- Qwipster [Vince Leo]
- Reel Film Reviews [David Nusair]
- reelingback.com [Michael Walsh]
- RobotGEEK's Cult Cinema [RobotGEEK]
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